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Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospitals

CHAIN (Cycling Against Hip Pain) is a pioneering programme that aims to reduce hip pain and the consequential need for surgery, via a structured physical activity regime. Originally conceived by Professor Robert Middleton at Bournemouth University’s Orthopaedic Research Institute (ORI), the programme proved highly successful in trials by reducing symptoms such as pain and stiffness.

Following this initial success, the Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospital wanted to rollout CHAIN across a much wider audience of patients in order to improve more patient outcomes.

ActiPath provided their proven platform as a means to quickly and easily define activity pathways and manage CHAIN participants through them.

Integrated assessments were used to capture data along the way and provide formal outcome analysis. Participants also received tailored instructions, tips and hints throughout the programme to help increase participation and maximise the programme benefits. 



Public Health Dorset

The Public Health Dorset NRT Programme aims to help smokers quit for good. It comprises a structured set of meetings with skilled staff where advice is given and information is captured.

The programme is operational across four centres in the region, each with access to their own group of targeted participants. Information from all centres is shared at Public Health HQ for trend analysis.

ActiPath was used to build the electrionic questionaires used during the mentoring meetings and to manage the flow of participants from stage to stage. A simple dashboard provides feedback on progress and outcomes across the programme.

Every action within the programme and all associated captured data are retained in a tamper-proof, encrypted audit for future reporting and analysis.